What’s Your Story?
Aesop’s Fables, Romeo and Juliet, The Wizard Of Oz, Bambi, E.T., The Legend Of Zelda, The Lion King, Finding Nemo, The Lord Of The Rings...
All of your favorite films, books and characters exist because someone (like you) had a story to tell.
Legendary author Zora Neale Hurston said "There is no agony like bearing an untold story."
Every storyteller understands this "agony."
...and yet every storyteller also understands the agony of turning our lofty thoughts into a finished work.
Creating a meaningful story often feels like an uphill climb.
...which is why we at The Oatley Academy Of Visual Storytelling formed The Storytellers' Summit.
This new online course will help you face the blank page with confidence and take your work higher than ever before...
Tell A Better Story With The Storytellers' Summit!
The Storytellers' Summit is designed to help writers from all disciplines craft a story that draws a crowd.
You’ll learn to create transcendent work with lessons from some of the entertainment industry's best teachers.
...and you'll have 24/7 access to an international
community of positive, passionate storytellers.
You may even find an ideal writing partner or collaborator!

Face The Blank Page With Confidence
Whether you write children’s books, screenplays or novels...
...or draw storyboards or comics:
You are a storyteller.
...but if you want to create meaningful stories that last, you have to hone your craft.
Our prestigious teachers and support team help you master crucial storytelling concepts like:
- Developing your protagonist.
- Building a believable world.
- Constructing a compelling plot.
- Finding your voice.
- And fighting writer's block!
Get Paid To Be Creative
Attention is our generation’s most valuable currency.
Today, you can “publish” your work with the click of a button.
But if you want your personal project to actually grab attention… now, that’s a different story.
We’ll show you the best ways to promote your work and get paid to be creative.
You Are Not Alone.
Artists are not meant to work alone.
...at least that's what we believe.
Sure, we're all wired differently: introverts, extroverts, wallflowers, rockstars...
...but the process. The process simply doesn't have to be as lonely as it is for most artists.
The Storytellers' Summit includes access to the OA Community Forums and our private Facebook Group where sketchbook threads, quick answers, helpful resources, collaborations, online hangouts and good vibes abound...
Teachers that don’t just know what they’re talking about... They care what you’re talking about.
The Oatley Academy teachers and guest teachers are among the best communicators in the entertainment industry. They have come together to share their wisdom, experience and insight with you.
Chris Oatley

Brian McDonald

Paul Scott Canavan

Sarah Marino

Maike Venhofen

Jason Brubaker

Brett Bean

Justin Copeland

Adam Westbrook

Aliki T. Grafft

Jenn Ely

Christophe Vacher

Join Our Positive, Passionate Community Of Storytellers Today:
New lessons on how to become a great visual storyteller!
Instant access to our huge library of story lessons.
Access to our Community Hangouts, private Facebook Group and Forums.
Extended "Producers' Cut" Versions of The Oatley Academy ArtCast and The Paper Wings Show.
Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
*We offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee.
If you try The Storytellers' Summit for 30 days and are not completely satisfied, just email the OA Support Team - support@chrisoatley.com - and request a refund. They will process it right away!
The Plot Thickens…
Stop Guessing. Start Growing.
Take the guesswork out of writing and confidently master key storytelling components such as Theme, Plot, Conflict, Structure, Character Development, World-Building, Time Management, and more!
The Ultimate Writer’s Toolbox.
Watch and learn: We keep adding new story lessons to our extensive library. Plus, we give you downloadable worksheets to get you brainstorming and practice your way to perfect.
We’re All In This Together.
Our Exclusive Community Forums allow you to develop your personal project in a safe and inspiring environment through constructive critiques, accountability, and collaboration.
A community of storytellers ready to support, share, and spark your imagination.
In 3 weeks I’ve made more progress toward my goal of Visual Storytelling than I have, ever. Thanks!
Angie Coe
The Storytellers' Summit has been so great for me. The content conveyed, the hard hitting questions asked, the FANTABULOUS atmosphere of energetic positivity. It all makes me feel hopeful about reaching for my dreams more actively. Even getting to know what my dreams are again.
Shara Mills
The lessons have been really informative and insightful, making me question my own working methods. Plus, the homework is fun! The whole team is like one big awesome family.
Dan Kelby
The Oatley Academy’s programs go beyond art school. They teach you to be a successful artist in addition to being good. One of my best art resources.
Amanda Carbine
If you’re struggling with a personal project, I 100% recommend The Storytellers' Summit. Loving every minute so far.
Kristin Ousley
I haven't participated in a community before that so openly supports one another and pushes each other to be better.
Jessica Doll, Flying Machine Pictures
Today's show was mind bending. So challenging, so good. I'm going to have to listen again... and again…
Rob Gale
EVERYONE, sign up for The Storytellers' Summit! Just the connections that I’ve made alone are worth it. Plus there is some pretty mind-blowing content. Like the only way it could be more revelational is if the whole thing was presented by Kermit with guest appearances by Grover.
Abrian Curington
A huge thank you to Chris Oatley and The Oatley Academy for the knowledge that equipped and inspired me to begin my first personal project.
Stephen Sheredy
The lessons taught (in The Storytellers' Summit) gave new perspectives to my personal projects! It gave me clarity on how to go about making my art shine. Even if it hadn’t, I’d have a group of like-minded artists that could give me satisfying and constructive critiques! Even listening to the live meet-ups feels like a backstage pass to info I’d never even think up! I recommend it to everyone who’s wanting to take their projects to the next step!
Joshua Otero
Creative people! If you do one thing today for your future make sure to check out The Storytellers' Summit!
Jay Sharp
Every person in The Oatley Academy is amazing.
Guilherme Monteiro
Still Have Questions?
Where Do I Start?
Once you sign up, you’ll have full access to The Storytellers’ Summit. This means you’ll be able to watch all the lessons and download all the worksheets that have been shared. You can start by catching up on the lessons up until this point, or browse by topic. Basically, we cook up the information and you can dig into whatever sounds good whenever you’re hungry.
Do I Need To Be A Visual Artist To Sign Up?
No, this is a writing course for storytellers–both visual and narrative–from all disciplines. You do not need to have a background in visual art.
Can I Join Any Time? Do I Have To Audition?
There is no deadline and you do not have to audition to enroll. You can cancel at any time.
Does The Homework Apply To My Kind Of Project?
We will adapt the homework to specific kinds of storytelling (comics, animation, scripts, storybooks, illustrated books, games, etc.).
What If I Don't Have A Project In Mind?
No problem! That is GREAT, in fact! If you come to The Storytellers' Summit without any ideas you will be more willing to adapt. The early lessons will be about coming up with ideas for a personal projects.
Does The Storytellers' Summit Work For Different Skill Levels?
The Storytellers' Summit curriculum can be adapted to any skill level. If you find value in our podcasts, you will probably LOVE The Storytellers' Summit!
Will I Have Enough Time?
As with all of our courses, the content is almost entirely timeless. ...and we provide a recording of every new lesson.
We also designed this course to work with as many different schedules and time zones as possible. The Storytellers' Summit students can take as much time as they need. The curriculum can be used for sprints or marathons, depending on the scope and/or urgency of your personal project.
There is no expectation that everyone will work at the same pace or be able to commit the same amount of work per week.
Your Story Is Waiting...
Our passionate community of storytellers is ready to help you perfect your craft, write something that matters, and make your voice heard...